User Experience Professional

The makings of a Résumé - Visual Design

The makings of a Résumé 

Making a résumé is one of the more arduous aspects of any profession, even more so for a creative one like UX. This has been my effort to use principles of visual design such as information hierarchy and color theory to add a touch of life to the process and hopefully make a résumé that not only catches your attention; but rather arrests it.

I have used a base of 4px and built up from there. All headings, text, and padding between not only the different hierarchical elements, but the ones on the border scale from a base of 4px. This makes scalability easier, and although a printed résumé is not usually scaled, when presented in digital format over varying screen sizes and web browsers, it helps maintain consistency. Line height was chosen to be 14, simply because it was the most efficient way to encapsulate the Futura font used. I’ve employed flat quadratic colors to compliment the aesthetic of the portfolio. Orange remains the primary brand color, and I’ve added flat pink to provide soft contrast and to give weight to Heading 1. Additionally, I’ve also used a slight off-white background to reduce white glare while maintaining high contrast for readability.